Grieving for the losses and celebrating the gains

I thought today, I would talk about a subject that is rather debatable and affects everybody separately but here goes, grieving for the losses and celebrating the gains.

W20151229_184537000_iOShen I was 15, I lost everything to the serious condition ME. No one knew what to do or what was happening. In that time, I learnt the true meaning of living. How simply touching your face by yourself was a luxury and showed me how precious each body is.

Now at 25, I’m still in the world of ME, much to my dismay (!) but that world has dramatically changed. Not only am I not alone in my world of one room physically but I’ve found so many incredible people fighting the same battle. It would be strange if I didn’t in some little way grief for what has gone:- being a teenager, growing up with my sister and brother and doing all the usual teen stuff.

However, my coping mechanism, does not allow me to think of the past. I have to feel lucky to be alive, despite the agony I face. I’ve known too many who have not made it. I have to live for them. I’ve met a loving man, young Samuel,20151107_172545000_iOS who is not fazed by the odd injection and loves me for me. I wouldn’t be a successful artist that has pieces worldwide and be doing writing, whilst running a charity at the same time, if it were not for what I had been through.

I have chosen to be gracious, to live boldly and speak up for the millions without a voice. Yes, some days it is harder, for the suffering is immense but overall, ME has taught me more quickly than others that life is here for living and making a difference.
❤️ to you all xxx

This was taken from my The World Of One Room Facebook Blog

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