The Green Baby – Mama Bamboo

I have been so excited about doing this series of blogs on all things eco friendly but it has taken me some time because I wanted to make sure that I had tried everything out and could give an honest opinion about them.

The effects that we are having on our environment have never been more prevalent than today. Suddenly, we are all being made aware of quite how horrific the damage we are making on our planet is and the pretty bleak future we have if we don’t change our actions drastically. From the massive David Attenborough effect, when we watched the horrific damage that plastic and waste is having on the oceans, to Greta Thunberg and the whole of the youth having climate protests.

Before having Felicity, I didn’t even think of the implications that the mother and baby industry are making on the planet and it is quite scary. A normal nappy takes 500 years to degrade and are full of plastic and chemicals. Most baby wipes are filled with plastic and they are just piling up on the planet. I feel that we should all have a responsibility for our carbon footsteps but is it really that easy?

We were sent some eco friendly bamboo nappies and wipes from Mama Bamboo. Nappies are an essential but they are literally so bad for the environment. It’s difficult to know how we managed before there were disposable nappies. Yet; we really did use to cope without them! I was trying out this wonderful company, who make nappies that are made out of bamboo fibres. These are considerably better not only for the environment but for little bottoms too. Bamboo is much more sustainable as it grows quickly, and needs little water to grow.

The nappies are really absorbent and we haven’t had a poo explosion that hasn’t been caught by them yet! The only thing that I was aware of being a bit of a problem was having to wait for the nappies to fit Felicity. Although they are a size 1 onwards, they are quite roomy and Felicity was only little. It took ages for her to fit them and I do wish that there could be some eco friendly premature and size 0 nappies!

The price is more expensive than your average value supermarket nappies but are a similar price to pampers and do a lot more good. Although they are more costly, the feeling of knowing that you are not littering the earth with stinky nappies (and trust me, Felicity’s are both stinky and a strange colour from the formula she is on!) makes me feel like I am doing my bit.

However, I do feel that there should be a more accessible way of getting good for the planet nappies. There are a lot of parents who are willing to help the environment that bit more but are being denied by not being able to afford it. It is going to be a struggle to me to be able afford it but I’m going to see how we go.

They also sent us some biodegradable baby wipes, which we gave a try. I can’t really describe them but they feel a bit rubbery and less moist than normal baby wipes. I think these wipes are useful for when you are out and about but the texture takes a while to get used to.

Also, there is common association that wipes have to be very moist for you to be able to clean anyone! After using the wipes, you can just put them in the garden waste bin!

For many years, Samuel was always sure that he would have the need for loads of normal chemical filled wipes and wouldn’t think twice about his carbon footprint.

But now Samuel has come round to the idea.

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